Goal: Develop, launch, and sustain a zero waste program that is implemented into Global Impact STEM Academy.
Description: Despite being an agbioscience school, Global Impact still lacked quality recycling, sustainability, and other forms of environmentally friendly practices. During this project, one will develop, implement, and maintain different aspects of a zero waste initiative that will set the standard for years to come in our community.
Each student or group was in charge of finding their own topic and developing their own idea for this project, and as a result, products varied rapidly. A group formed a RAC (Recycling Air Cannon) to "gamify" recycling at lunch by shooting water bottles to another group seeing a cost analysis of how soda guns operate as compared to vending machines.
Subject: Social Studies
Grade Level: 9th-10th, High School
Mastery Assessment
- Completing initial research over chosen topic.
- Meeting weekly check-ins with instructors to work through design process.
- Developing a prototype, and if feasible, a final product.
- Reflecting on one's group, project, and overall skills fostered during project.
- Participate in expo night to showcase work achieved.