Goal: Create a comic book that encourages social change towards an injustice and/or brings a voice to the voiceless.
Description: Kicking off with the Gem City Comic Con in Dayton, students will learn about the societal impact of comic books and their role in covering major conflicting issues in the United States. Depending on their course, students will spend 6 weeks, individually or in partners, developing and publishing a comic book over:
- Government: An injustice in society, including its solution and issues involving corruption and/or gridlock at the state or national level.
- History: Bringing a voice to the voiceless, including a perspective of one not often heard to shed light on their historical significance.
Subject: Humanities
Grade Level: 9th-10th, High School
- Project Overview and Weekly Check-ins
- Community and Peer Grading Rubric
- Evaluation and Remediation
- ComicLife 3.0
- Additional supplemental history/government lessons
Mastery Assessment
- Inclusion of researched content that reflects topic for social studies course
- Completion of portfolio which includes steps to project completion and reflections
- Presentation of comic and portfolio at school-wide Comic Con to community members and peers